juz now, my friends and i went to UM library cz we need to find some references for our assignments... we went kinda late cz we thought the library will close at 7pm as usually... then we realized dat today is saturday... hmmm... never mind... then we use OPEC system (as recommended by one of the library staff) jz to find the books+journals+thesises+etc... i dunno what so funny dat everytime we ask smthing from the library staff (a guy), he kept on laughing... wtf... hoho... then after we found da thesises, we sat at a corner and we did our activity (capturing the thesises important points using our HP) cz we're too lazy to copy manually... then, there was a lady... wearing tudung labuh sat at our back... she saw our activity... at first i thought dat she'll scold us... then, i heard shutter sound... i thought dat sound came from my friend's HP... but then, when my friend didnt use her camera, i still can hear the shutter sound... then i looked at my back... u noe what happened??? the lady was capturing the thesis juz like us... huahuahua... so funny... i almost laugh but then i tahan jew... u see... she learnt from US... hehe... so funny... then with proud she showed her WELL-DONE-JOB to her friends, then her friends followed the same procedures like US... huahuahua... the conclusion is, not everything bad is always bad... smtimes it will gives benefits... huahuahua...
yesterday i dunno y suddenly i cant use Internet xplorer although i already connected with IPBA cable... i felt so frustrated cuz i cant leave without internet... i thought i already deleted something related to my internet setting... i was about to ask my friend, Khirol to check on my laptop... then after i tried today, i can use it back... i'm so happy... (nothing to say rite now... no topic)
Posted by Hanis Izzati at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Laughter the BEST Medicine...
Old Loving
An enormously wealthy 65-year-old man falls in love with a young womanin her twenties and is contemplating a proposal.
"Do you think she'd marry me if I tell her I'm 45?" he asked a friend.
"Your chances are better," said the friend, "if you tell her you're 90."
Young Business Man
A young businessman had just started his own business. He'd rented a beautiful office and had it brilliantly decorated. Sitting there, he saw a man come into the outer office.
Wishing to appear busy, the young businessman picked up the phone and started to pretend he was working a big deal. He was shouting huge figures and made giant commitments.
Finally, he hung up and asked the visitor, "Can I help you?" The man said, "Sure. I'm here to install the phone!"
FBI Funny
The phone rings at FBI headquarters.
"I'm calling to report my neighbor. He is hiding marijuana inside his firewood."
"Thank you very much for the call sir," replied the dispatcher.
The next day, FBI agents sneak up on the neighbor's house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept.Using axes, they bust open every piece of wood, but find no marijuana. They yell at the neighbor and leave.The phone rings at the neighbor's house.
"Hey, Bill, did the FBI come?"
"Sure Did!"
"Did they chop your firewood?!"
"Great, now it's your turn to call. I need my garden plowed!!"
Posted by Hanis Izzati at 1:00 PM 14 comments
People changed
i juz finished viewing my school group (SMSL) in Friendster... what i saw is most of my friends, seniors and juniors have changed a lot... like during school years, they were thin like tiang but now they are... wow, i dunno how to describe it... some of them were not handsome at all, but now i wonder why didn't i know 'em before diz... there also some gurlz who before diz they were very alim... then after school, no tudung anymore (i hope i'll not be like 'em)... hmm... yeah, people changed... but one thing dat i like is some of them are married... wow, last time at school, they were timid, and coupled with their classmates... but now, they married to other men... hmm, i cant comment furthur bout diz marriage thingy cz it's too sensitive... (dah jodoh kot)... another thing that i realised is most of 'em are now persuing their studies abroad... wow, maybe i'll be one of 'em (hopefully, please pray for me)... whatever it is, i really wanna meet 'em one day... cause i really miss some of 'em... especially my batch and my dormmates... hehe...
Posted by Hanis Izzati at 5:30 AM 2 comments
stay up
i'm soooo sleepy rite now... act i'm now in block 6 common room, surfing tnet wif my friend, fatin... hoho... staying up until morning juz because wanna surf tnet... it's the craziest thing to do... hoho... well, because of block 5 common room cant be used (black out after thunderstorm)... so, both of us hanging around here... if Mr. Tahir knows, both of us will die... but i wonder y there is no warden to check??? usually ada... nvr mind... mayb they're afraid of us... huahuahua... i think tomorrow (starts 6am, both of us will sleep until afternoon)... another thing, we stay up because tomorrow is holiday... yeah!!! i luv holiday but i hate to replace my tutorial classes... hmm... nvr mind...
Posted by Hanis Izzati at 5:11 AM 0 comments
hmm... i really miss my friends in Labuan & Sabah... especially my besties ... almost 4 years i haven't seen them... although we're still in touch, but i really miss to hang out with 'em, gossipping, talking about our crushes, shopping etc... i really wanna meet 'em...
maybe they've changed but i dont care... i hope one day i'll meet my friends back... especially Mala n Yatie... mish ya!
Posted by Hanis Izzati at 1:54 AM 2 comments
~ I luv high heels so much... i wish one day i can design my own high heels...
~ I luv to design dresses, gowns, anything relating to clothes because one day i'll be a FASHION DESIGNER
~ I'm a beauty conscious...
~ I luv everything about WAY
~ I'm not a kind-hearted person...
~ I'm a hot-tempered person (I cant help it)
~ I luv rock bands...
~ I used to wish on a shooting star once (I saw the star when i was in GIBS)
~ I'm going abroad next year... yeeehaaaa!!!!!!!
hahaha... dats all for now... (da xde keje sgt nk wat nie...)
Posted by Hanis Izzati at 10:22 PM 2 comments
since i have no money rite now (i still haven't get my allowance yet)... so my friend and I were fasting today... actually we really wanted to fast not because to save money, but because... well... klu da pompuan tue posa apa laie klu bkn posa gnti...
huahuahua... whatever it is, we did our plan successfully... i'm so proud of it!!!
Posted by Hanis Izzati at 9:05 PM 0 comments
haha... diz attitude i seems cant handle it... i
to curse... although even if I dropped my pen or I accidently kick my other leg, i will curse...
when i started to curse, all my INTERESTING words will come out like waterfall... very fast and uncontrollable...
i really wanna change myself... hopefully i can...
Posted by Hanis Izzati at 3:39 PM 0 comments
after about 3 weeks in diz new semester, now i already have 2 assignments to do these aren't included with tutorial works and my own revision *sigh*... plus, every assignment requires me to do a 1800 words essay...
i can die early if they keep on giving me tons of assignments and homeworks... *urgh* please help me... i need advices from u guys!!!
Posted by Hanis Izzati at 3:13 PM 6 comments
Why do I admire these women?
Sharon den Adel
-because she is a lead singer of a Gothic band named Within Temptation. her voice mesmerized me so much...
Amy Lee
-although her voice not as fantastic as Sharon, but her songs are amazing and breath-catching...
Hilary Duff
-she's not a rockstar and she even cant sing (although she already have many albums and i have most of her albums) but i love the way she managed to loose her weight from curvy to skinny...
-i love the way she use her curvy body to make her famous...
Lindsay Lohan
-who cares if they wanna hate her juz bcuz of her I-Am-Not-A-Good-Girl attitudes... i luv her spirit... juz be yourself then u can rule the world...
Posted by Hanis Izzati at 6:25 PM 0 comments
i'm not ready
diz August i will turn 20... next year *insya-Allah*, i'll go abroad to furthur my studies... although i'm so excited to go abroad but i'hv many things to do... i need to do a lot of preparations (physical, mental, emotion) and diz really makes my head cracks *sigh*... i also need to improve my proficiency, loose my weight, score my exams, do my assignments and i really need to put my ass off for 'em... if not, i'll never be better forever... another thing, since the world moves fast, i'll be graduate next 3 years and i'll be a teacher *omg*... wow, diz really makes me die in the young age *lol*... so, the main thing dat i wanna stress here is...
Posted by Hanis Izzati at 1:48 PM 2 comments
New Year Resolutions
hmm... new year comes again & diz time around I think I need to hv new resolutions (act I never had one last year *wink*)... I really hope dat I'll follow all my new resolutions *hopefully*...
- I wanna improve my proficiency into da next level
- I wanna loose my weight before diz July cz on dat time I need to tempah my blazer
- I wanna be as good as i can *hoho*
- I wanna concentrate on my studies first b4 think about anything else *hmm*
- I wanna score all my examinations ;p
- Last but not least I wanna make diz blog as interesting as I can *yeah*
Act I hv a lot but I couldn't think of it right now *blur*... so dat's it! Hopefully i can make these resolutions real.
Posted by Hanis Izzati at 12:53 PM 0 comments
Imagine if I have a guy like...
Gerard Way
-his cute face makes me cant sleep at night...
-his breath-catching-sexy-eyes make my heart melt...
Lee Ryan
-I luv his chinese face although he's not a chinese...
Johnny Depp
-his cheekbones are unique...
Antonio Banderas
-I wish he can protects me...
Faizal Tahir
-slumber and rock forever...
Posted by Hanis Izzati at 4:09 AM 7 comments
hmm... after i struggling & wasting my time editing my new blog (i've one b4 diz but i deleted it cz i did smthing dat i cant undo back)... tadaa... my new blog, with new ideas, topics and many more... to all my friends who read diz blog, i hope u guyz can comment on anything u like... hoho... no limitation... last but not least, happy reading...
Posted by Hanis Izzati at 3:24 AM 0 comments